Friday, February 19, 2010

Slice of Life - Moments that Make You Think Twice

There I am instructing a class on how to use a particular software application.  The projector attached to my workstation shows exactly what I am doing on my desktop for everyone to follow.

Here's what happened...

Me:  "Okay, everyone, please point and click on these various tabs and just notice that every time you point and click to a new tab, you get a new set of options."  The class is following along.  No issues.

Me:  "Now, here's what I want you to do.  I don't care which tab, pick any one.  Point to any tab."  I demonstrate on my own computer.  I then scan the class to make sure we're all on the same page and what do I see?

There is a woman sitting in front of her computer monitor, literally pointing (with her finger) at a tab on her monitor screen.

Me (inner monologue): 
*...??????*  *Is she mocking me?*  *I don't believe it...Is she for real?* 
Upon realizing she is not trying to be funny, I feel sorry for this person.

Me (whispering to her ear):  "I'm sorry, I should have been more clear.  Take your mouse and use that to point to your tab."  After this exercise, I let the class go for lunch.

I've done silly, and sometimes, very very stupid things in my life...but this person just made me realize there are others out there who blow my antics out of the water.  I just had to share this slice of life moment.

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