Monday, March 17, 2014

As I Get Older...Post #1

As I get older, I find my interest in people is reduced to nil.  Especially when you come from a major metropolis like Toronto where you have so many groups and sub-groups trying to get through daily life, hustling and bustling;  where everyone is either in your way or slowing you down;  where idiocy and intolerance is available more readily than kindness and consideration; and where judgement and categorizing others into suffocating stereotypes is common place.

I do believe, I am not alone.  And Banksy is sensitive to this as well, I imagine.  This piece he did in here in Toronto really resonates within.  Brilliant artist.

HOWEVER, Buddhist philosophy advises that this constant disappointment in humanity is a part of life - but it points out it's not the only part in life.  Life is suffering, and yet, you can find happiness and contentment in it.  Beautiful way of thinking/life.

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