According to my morning read (UofT Magazine), UofT MBA has developed an "integrative-thinking" program called iThink and its working with the Toronto District School Board to implement it in high schools (and eventually primary schools).
iThink basically teaches there is an alternative to either-or scenarios/decisions. It teaches students to make decisions that keep the positive aspects of both choices while dropping the negative.
This program has been developed for Kindergarten to Gr. 12 students. What I find interesting is: "I-Think teaches students to think differently about challenges that aren't easily solved in school or their personal lives".
Does this mean the young men of our future will be able to better manage the women in their respective relationships with creative solutions to questions/statements like: "Do you think she's prettier than me?", "Do I look fat?", "You don't pay enough attention to me.". And my personal favourite: "....." (the silent treatment). For the record, these are general statements commonly thought to be made by women and not my lovely girlfriend.
Where was this program when I was a wee lad!?! I will have to look into this for myself and see if there is substance here, or if this is just academic fluff designed to sell books.